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What Is the Definition of Armed Conflict

Cessation of the use of armed force occurs whenever the conflict or the warring party does not reach the level of involvement in a calendar year. This happens when the incompatibility is resolved either by an agreement or by a victory; when a party ceases to exist; or if the use of armed force does not meet the criteria of 25 combat-related deaths. Regehr, E. (2011). Armed conflict: trends and drivers. Vancouver: The Simons Foundation. Retrieved from (accessed June 3, 2013). Comment UCDP has not recorded any final deadline for conflicts. The cessation of the use of armed force is coded for conflicts and the main warring parties for any temporary situation of end or low activity. In many situations, for example, the conflict ends for a year, but in fact it has remained at a combat-related mortality rate of less than 25.

In state conflicts, « location » is the name of the state challenged by an opposition organization, not the geographic location of the fighting. Ploughshares project. (n.d.). Armed conflict. Retrieved from (accessed May 30, 2013). 58 Meron, T., `Classification of armed conflict in the ex Yugoslavia: Nicaragua`s fallout`, American Journal of International Law, vol. 92, 1998 (`Nicaragua`s fallout`), p. 238.CrossRefGoogle Scholar 13 Abi-Saab, G., `Non-international armed conflicts`, in International Dimensions of Humanitarian Law, Henry Dunant Institute v Unesco, Geneva, 1988, p.

1988. 222.Google Scholar The most controversial definition is the UN definition, which states that terrorism seeks political and/or social change through targeted attacks on civilians. This definition has made the task difficult, especially in trying to distinguish between resistance movements that oppose forms of occupation and a terrorist organization, which often use force to achieve political change. For example, during the colonial period in Kenya, Mau Mau fighters attacked Europeans on their farms and stole their property (Davies, 1953, p. 224), if the same situation were to be repeated in the 21st century, many researchers would consider the Mau Mau a terrorist organization. A completed conflict or part of a war is classified as ended by one of the following events: 1) victory; (2) peace agreements; (3) ceasefire agreement; (4) low activity; (5) no activity; or 6) other (the last three are sometimes grouped as a different outcome) The deliberate use of armed force by a state government or by an officially organized group against civilians, resulting in at least 25 deaths in a year. The ICC`s first conviction in March 2012 was directed against Thomas Lubanga, the leader of an armed group in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The characterization of a situation of armed conflict means that international humanitarian law enters into force immediately.

However, for certain legal and political reasons, different situations are too complex to be considered armed conflicts. There are three types of conflicts recognized by international humanitarian law: international armed conflicts, internationalized armed conflicts and non-international armed conflicts. Armed activity in a state conflict, but where the number of casualties does not exceed the threshold of 25 combat-related deaths. This fragmented approach leads to the application of different legal systems in the same area, depending on the type of counterparty. This approach takes into account the possible coexistence of several types of conflicts occurring simultaneously in the same territory involving State and non-State actors with different capacities and obligations under national and international law, in particular with regard to law enforcement, prosecution and detention. « An armed conflict is a contested incompatibility that affects the government and/or territory if the use of armed force between two parties, at least one of which is the government of a state, results in at least 25 combat-related deaths in a calendar year. Comment: « Armed conflict » is also referred to as « state conflict », as opposed to « non-state conflict » in which none of the warring parties is a government. Cullen, A. (2010), The Concept of Non-international Armed conflict in international humanitarian law, Cambridge studies in international law and comparative law, 66:1-10 In addition to mandatory application in cases covered by conventions (treaty application), some of the rules of IHL and customary IHL can be implemented ad hoc by special agreement and with the consent of the parties to the conflict. .

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