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The Global Framework Agreement

ILO Online: How is the implementation of the agreement monitored? Dominique Michel: Most framework agreements concern the entire supply chain, even if the suppliers are not parties. Companies generally undertake to inform all their subsidiaries, suppliers, contractors and subcontractors of the agreement. If it turns out that a subsidiary or affiliate does not comply with the global agreement, the case can be referred to the headquarters of the multinational, which seeks solutions through dialogue. There are no enforcement mechanisms for IFAs at the global level. Although there were relatively few examples of complaints about an IFA, in January 2019, IndustriALL suspended its global declaration on social rights and labour relations within the Volkswagen Automotive Group because the company refused to allow workers at one of its plants in the United States to join a union. [2] This example shows that all complaints filed often relate to violations of the ifA provisions on freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. France Telecom is the latest company to sign an international framework agreement with a global trade union confederation. The global agreement, which was concluded on the 21st. December 2006 between the French multinational signed Union Network International (UNI) and telecommunications unions around the world deals with compliance with ILO core standards throughout the group – including the right to join a union and collective bargaining, as well as the absence of discrimination and forced labour or child labour.

ILO Online spoke with Dominique Michel, Team Leader of the ILO`s Programme for Multinational Enterprises, about these global agreements. Codes of Conduct; Collective bargaining; corporate social responsibility; decent work; European collective agreements; European Framework Agreement; Labour standards; social dialogue; transnational company agreement. Since IFAs serve to promote the essential characteristics of the respective national models of social partnership and cooperative industrial relations, they are more relevant for enterprises based in social market economies, where the collective representation of interests is the basis for labour regulation and the labour market. It is therefore not surprising that the spread of IFAs among transnational corporations outside continental Europe has so far remained quite limited, despite recent new initiatives such as the 2018 agreement between UNI Global Union and Brazilian banking company Banco Itaú. [3] Global framework agreements are negotiated at global level between trade unions and a multinational company. They implement the highest standards of trade union rights, health, safety and environmental practices, as well as the principles of quality of work in a company`s global operations, whether or not these standards exist in a single country. IndustriALL has existing GFA with the following multinational companies. Click on each company to see more information and contract text. Dominique Michel: The content of these agreements depends on the different requirements and characteristics of the companies and unions concerned, as well as on the traditions of industrial relations between the parties.

They cover all four fundamental principles and rights at work and refer in particular to the fundamental ILO Conventions. The other provisions, which differ from one agreement to another, concern various issues covered by ILO standards, such as.B. den Schutz der Arbeitnehmervertreter, Löhne, Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz bei der Arbeit sowie Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen. Referenzen ^ ILO (2018), International Framework Agreements in the Food Retail, Clothing and Chemicals Sectors: Lessons Learned from Three Case Studies, Genf. ↑ IndustriALL (2019), IndustriALL suspends global agreement with Volkswagen, 21. January. ↑ Uni Global Union (2018), UNI Global Union and Banco Itaú extend the global agreement guaranteeing labour rights, 23. Oktober. ↑ IndustriALL (2014), Guidelines for Global Framework Agreements (CGA), Genf. ^ ILO (1998), ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, Genf. ↑ Carrefour (2018), UNI Global Union and Carrefour further strengthen global cooperation, Annecy. ↑ Uni Global Union (2018), Global agreement between BNP Paribas and UNI Global Union advances labour rights, gender equality for the company`s 200,000 workers worldwide, Nyon.

Dominique Michel: An international (or global) framework agreement (IFA) is an instrument negotiated between a multinational and a Global Union Federation (GUF) to build an ongoing relationship between the parties and ensure that the company adheres to the same standards in all the countries where it operates. Sectoral unions in the multinational`s home country are also participating in negotiations on the agreement. Although framework agreements are not corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, they are often mentioned in the CSR debate as they are one of the ways in which companies can express their commitment to adhere to certain principles. However, the specific aspect that distinguishes framework agreements from CSR initiatives is that they result from negotiations with international staff representatives. Framework agreements are therefore one of the possible developments in industrial relations in the era of globalisation. Dominique Michel: As a recent development in the field of industrial relations, international framework agreements are an interesting subject for the ILO. The Director-General of the ILO witnessed the signing of some of them, such as Chiquita. Several ILO departments (Social Dialogue Sector, Institute for Labour Studies, Offices for Employers` and Employees` Activities and the Programme for Multinational Enterprises) monitor and analyse these developments. The ILO Tripartite Declaration on Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy is a useful point of reference for enterprises considering the content of these agreements. This declaration contains recommendations on the desirable behaviour of enterprises with regard to employment, equal opportunities and treatment, qualifications, working conditions, occupational safety and health and industrial relations.

ILO Online: How far do these agreements go? Can they set wages and working conditions around the world? IndustriALL has also concluded global agreements with multinational companies that cover some key issues in the fields of activity of these companies. These include our global health and safety agreement with ArcelorMittal and our global agreement on sexual harassment with Unilever. Recently, several agreements have been extended beyond the recognition of ILO core labour standards by ensuring decent wages and working conditions and a safe environment. One example is the renewed agreement signed by Carrefour and UNI Global Union in 2018, which builds on previous agreements and includes new provisions on violence against women in the workplace. [6] Another example is the IFA concluded by BNP Paribas and UNI Global Union in October 2018, which was « the first in the financial sector to plan paid parental leave schemes and the first with guaranteed health, life and disability insurance ». [7] ILO Online: Do these agreements also have an impact on suppliers or affiliates? The ILO notes that the number of international discrimination agreements signed between 2000 and 2016 increased compared to the previous year, reaching 115 agreements in 2016. The European Commission has set up a database of transnational corporate agreements, including IFAs and EAs, showing that another 10 IFAs were concluded in 2017 and 8 more AGPIs in 2018. IFAs generally focus on the metallurgy, construction, chemical, food and service sectors, and it is generally assumed that such negotiations are initiated by trade unions.

In order to achieve impact, it is important to make arrangements for the implementation of an AFI and for its effective monitoring. The European Trade Union Confederation and BusinessEurope recognise that actors may find it difficult to take responsibility for the agreement at local level. They identify three areas of innovation and experimentation in the implementation of transnational company agreements: Dominique Michel: Most framework agreements contain monitoring mechanisms that involve the participation of trade unions. These mechanisms include specific measures by management and employee representatives, such as the dissemination (and, if necessary, translation) of the agreement at company level or the development of joint training programmes. .

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